

Q-Phase Publications

Q-Phase research findings are presented in chronological order, the most significant research, which has received either a substantial number of citations or an altimetric score, has been added to the front page of each product. Please inform us if your research should be listed here. If you have found research that should be listed here, make sure to let us know, please.


T. Vicar, et al.

The Quantitative-Phase Dynamics of Apoptosis and Lytic Cell Death

L. Štrbková, et al.

Classification of cells in time-lapse quantitative phase image by supervised machine learning

S. Salucci, et al.

Marine bisindole alkaloid: A potential apoptotic inducer in human cancer cells

L. Pastorek, et al.

Holography microscopy as an artifact-free alternative to phase-contrast

J. Babocky, et al.

Quantitative 3D Phase Imaging of Plasmonic Metasurfaces